Spell | Type | Mana | Targets | Description |
Fireball | Wizardry | 3 | Any square | Targets any square with a fireball. Can affect all surrounding squares too |
Darkness | Wizardry | 3 | Battlefield | Darken an area. Aids escape and adds a penalty to all ranged attack |
Flash | Wizardry | 3 | Any square | A blinding flash of light that will dizzy and disorientate friend and foe in range |
Wall of Fire | Wizardry | 8 | Any square | Creates a wall of flame to block your enemies |
Freeze | Wizardry | 8 | Any square | Creates a giant icy blast to engulf an area! |
Invisibility | Wizardry | 8 | Ally | Cast on an ally, prevents them from being targetted for a while... |
Firestorm | Wizardry | 20 | Any square | Conjure a mighty fireball from above, engulfing the battlefield. Target well away from your allies! |
Abyss | Wizardry | 20 | Any square | Create a void - certain death to any in its path! Beware of casting too close to your allies, as it is hard to control... |
Spook | Witchery | 3 | Enemy | Cause your enemies to tremble and shake... |
Darkness | Witchery | 3 | Battlefield | Darken an area. Aids escape and adds a penalty to all ranged attack |
Wither | Witchery | 3 | Enemy | Sap an enemies strength for a time... |
Sleep | Witchery | 8 | Enemy | Send an enemy into an enchanted slumber, missing a turn or two of action |
Teleport | Witchery | 8 | Ally | Teleport caster or an ally to another location on the battlefield |
Imp | Witchery | 8 | N/A | Summon an Imp. Daemons can be hard to control... |
Greater Pact | Witchery | 20 | N/A | Summon a mighty fire daemon! Control of them needs very strong wizardry - if they break control, they will have their revenge! |
Malediction | Witchery | 20 | Any square | Causes weakness, fatigue, damage and fear in a large area of effect... |
Summon Beast | Shamanism | 3 | N/A | Summon an animal of the wilds to help your cause. The more powerful beasts can be difficult to control... |
Nature's Cloak | Shamanism | 3 | Battlefield | Darken an area. Aids escape and adds a penalty to all ranged attack |
Gale Force | Shamanism | 3 | Enemy | Force an enemy away from you |
Swarm | Shamanism | 8 | N/A | Summon a mighty plague of rats will aid you |
Speed | Shamanism | 8 | Ally | Give a friendly fighter a huge speed boost for the rest of the battle |
Primal Rage | Shamanism | 8 | Ally | Turn a friendly fighter into a berzerk monster! Damage and attack will be increased... Who needs defence? |
Power of Nature | Shamanism | 20 | Battlefield | Gift all your allies the strenth of nature, giving them bonuses to combat, domage and morale |
Primal Storm | Shamanism | 20 | Any square | Engulf your enemies in a storm, sapping their strength |
Raise | Necromancy | 3 | N/A | Raise a zombie to fight at your side |
Vigour Mortis | Necromancy | 3 | Battlefield | All undead on the battlefield receive a temporary bonus to speed, skill and damage |
Drain Life | Necromancy | 3 | Any square | All living receive a temporary malus to speed, skill and damage, in a large area of effect |
Fallen Heroes | Necromancy | 8 | N/A | Summpon a mighty fallen hero to fight for your cause |
Strength of the Dead | Necromancy | 8 | Battlefield | All undead on the battlefield get a bonus to speed, skill and damage that lasts the entire battle |
Death Mask | Necromancy | 8 | Self | The caster's merest touch brings death. Attacks in hand-to-hand combat become fatal! |
Life Leech | Necromancy | 20 | Any square | Suck the souls of all the living in a large area of effect |
Open the Graves | Necromancy | 20 | N/A | Summon a horde of zombies to fight by your side |
Bless | Prayer | 3 | Ally | Provides a temporary combat boost to an ally |
Heal | Prayer | 3 | Ally | Heal an injured ally. Works better at close range |
Repel Evil | Prayer | 3 | Battlefield | All undead/demonic creatures on the battlefield weaken and take damage |
Sicken | Prayer | 8 | Enemy | Sicken an enemy, reducing their hit points, and temporarily reducing their skill, speed and damage |
Holy Aura | Prayer | 8 | Self | Give friends near the caster a battle-long boost to defence and armour |
Divine Constitution | Prayer | 8 | Ally | Resets friend's morale and hit points to max |
Angel of Light | Prayer | 20 | N/A | Summon an Archon to fight at your side! These mighty creatures are difficult to bind to your will for any significant period of time... |
Divine Retribution | Prayer | 20 | Any square | Engulf the battlefield in a mighty ball of flame |
Ballad of Bravery | Song | 0 | Battlefield | Remove fear from the hearts of your comrades! |
Lament the Dead | Song | 0 | Battlefield | Focus the minds of your comrades on the battle - provides a small boost to combat skills! |
Victory Fanfare | Song | 0 | Battlefield | Unnerve your opponents with a song of the sureness of your victory! |
Man Size | Druidic | 0 | Self | Return to human form |
Size of a Rat! | Druidic | 0 | Self | Shapeshift into a speedy rodent! |
Size of a Tiger! | Druidic | 0 | Self | Shapeshift into a ferocious tiger! |
Size of a Bear! | Druidic | 0 | Self | Shapeshift into a mighty bear! |