How does the game decide on the number of enemies?
Difficulty of encounter (each has a rating 0-10)
The experience of your adventuring band (number of levels)
The size of your adventuring band
The day number (ramps quickly up to day 30, then much more slowly after that)
The strength of the enemies compared to normal (e.g if orcs have won many battles already, they will have attracted more orcs to fight for their leader)
Game difficulty level
Dungeons in the Northlands and the New World are rather more difficult than normal.
Difficulty of encounter (each has a rating 0-10)
The experience of your adventuring band (number of levels)
The size of your adventuring band
The day number (ramps quickly up to day 30, then much more slowly after that)
The strength of the enemies compared to normal (e.g if orcs have won many battles already, they will have attracted more orcs to fight for their leader)
Game difficulty level
Dungeons in the Northlands and the New World are rather more difficult than normal.